BTSD and the University of Michigan Wrestling Team Have Joined Forces. Dual Meet Tickets Available!

Free U of M Wrestling Tickets for Detroit Area Youth

How It Works

Beat the Streets Detroit has teamed up with the University of Michigan wrestling team to allow Detroit area youth and others to attend U of M wrestling meets for free.  Generous donors have donated tickets to Beat the Streets Detroit to distribute to local youth groups and others.  If interested in attending a U of M wresting match, please fill out the form below.  Request up to 10 tickets by providing the below information at least 10 days before match day.  If we have tickets available, we will email them to you.  Please note that tickets cannot be used for kids of recruitment age (grades 9-12).  Also, if more than 10 tickets are needed, email: to see whether a request of that size can be accommodated.

Beat the Streets Detroit believes that ALL kids deserve the opportunity to wrestle and we are disappointed that kids in Detroit are often denied that opportunity. Join us in providing opportunity and access to wrestling for these kids!  We welcome your involvement and assistance in helping us achieve our mission.  Email to see how you can help!​

Beat the Streets Wrestlers at U of M Wrestling Meet

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